Valgt reise


Wildlife Topptur - Trollsteinen Ski


19 mai 2025


• Transport round trip
• Food and warm drink
• Headlamp
• Guide with necessary safety equipment

PLEASE NOTE: The trip is demanding. You must have experience in skiing off-piste, and preferably on rando skis. Avalanche safety pack is mandatory to bring on all ski tours with Svalbard Wildlife Expeditions*

We recommend that you bring your own ski equipment, emergency beacon, shovel and probe. If you wish you can rent equipment and skis from us.

We serve lunch and hot drinks. Feel free to bring snacks or ekstra food if you like. We recommend that you bring a backpack with extra warm clothes and something cold to drink.

The tour begins when we pick you up at the hotel. WE ASK YOU TO BE PATIENT, AS WE CANNOT PICK UP FROM ALL HOTELS AT THE SAME TIME.

Welcome to this trip with Svalbard Wildlife Expeditions!


Cancellation must be done in writing. Depending on when we receive notice of the cancellation, we will refund the price of the trip minus the below listed share to cover our losses arising from the cancellation.

The participants are recommended to take out cancellation insurance with their private insurance company, which i.a. covers cancellation due to illness, lost luggage or the like.

• Up to 22 days before the activity, a fee equal to 5% of the price paid
• From 21 – 8 days before the activity a fee corresponding to 50% of the price paid
• 7 - 0 days before the activity fee corresponding to 100% of the price paid = no refund.

Svalbard Wildlife Expeditions AS tries as far as is reasonable to carry out the trip as described. The guest's safety will always be the first priority.

When booking this activity, the customer accepts the terms & conditions as stated, found in full version at, as well as the general conditions for activities on Svalbard.




NOK 1 800 per person


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